Keep up with our latest news and upcoming events, read our clients' stories, and meet the staff, volunteers, and others who make our legal advocacy possible.
Interns and volunteers make GCLC’s work possible. This summer, we are grateful to welcome over 20 interns and Fellows who are assisting with a range of our practice areas.
Interns and volunteers make GCLC’s work possible. This summer, we are grateful to welcome over 20 interns and Fellows who are assisting with a range of our practice areas.
GCLC’s Adam Salzman brings thoughtful, insightful conversations about legal aid services and access to justice in Chicagoland to a new program on CAN TV.
Volunteers make GCLC’s work possible. This summer, we are grateful to welcome over 20 interns and Fellows who are assisting with a range of our practice areas.
The Baum Senior Fellows program provides an opportunity for new attorneys to gain practical experience in environmental law. The Clinic’s outgoing Fellow, Cassandra Hadwen, reflects on her tenure, and the new Fellow, Kenneth Walther, is introduced.
Haley is a current undergraduate student at Ouachita Baptist University in the Intake and Criminal Records programs. Learn more about Haley, her interests, and her experience at GCLC thus far.
The Homelessness Advice and Representation Program (HARP) provides free legal aid services to assist people transitioning from housing crisis to housing security.
Ryan Harding has served on GCLC's Board of Directors since 2009. Now, he is excited to work in his new capacity as Board President, where he will lead efforts to support and expand GCLC's legal services in the Chicagoland community. Read his letter here.
In the fall of 2021 GCLC welcomed four new staff members. Get to know each of them here!
GCLC attorney Keith Harley was recently highlighted in Chicago-Kent Magazine for his decades-long fight against environmental discrimination. Learn more about the Environmental and Energy Law Clinic and Harley’s commitment to the Chicagoland community.
Thank you to all who viewed and contributed to A Justice Social 2021 — honoring community justice advocates across Chicagoland. With your help we raised over $150,000!
As Ariel Valdes is celebrates his 30th anniversary as a lawyer and staff member at GCLC, we honor him for his service to the Clinic and his Chicagoland community. Valdes is A Justice Social 2021 Ambassador for Justice Award recipient. Read more about Ariel here.
For over 15 years GCLC has partnered with Amate House, a service and leadership development program for young adults in the Chicagoland area. Hear from three past and current Fellows about how their experiences have enhanced their passion for community advocacy and justice.
In August 2021, Greater Chicago Legal Clinic officially moved to new offices at 17 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois. Learn more about why the Clinic decided to move and how the new space will help us further our work as community justice advocates.
The COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting stay-at-home orders focused a new light on the importance of having a safe place to call home. It also resulted in widespread disruptions and changes, threatening that ideal for too many people in Chicagoland.
Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt was established to help the people of Cook County resolve eviction, foreclosure, debt, and tax deed issues resulting from economic disruptions. As a community partner, Greater Chicago Legal Clinic will provide free legal services that help people stay in their homes.
GCLC joins other nonprofits to provide legal services for people in Illinois with cannabis-related convictions, helping remove barriers to secure employment and housing
GCLC’s annual fundraising and recognition event, A Justice Social, provides the opportunity to honor champions for equal access to justice in Greater Chicago and raise money to support the Clinic’s important work. This year, thanks to our community’s extraordinary generosity, the Clinic raised just under $126,000!
GCLC has been selected to join the Cannabis Expungement Network. Created by the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, the program will help remove barriers to secure employment and housing for people with cannabis-related misdemeanor convictions in Illinois.
Chicago Legal Clinic, a community-based provider of affordable legal services that helps underserved families and individuals in the Chicago area navigate the justice system, revealed its new name today: Greater Chicago Legal Clinic.
Tapped by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, GCLC will help connect Illinois renters and homeowners impacted by COVID-19-related economic disruptions with programs designed to assist in securing their housing.
In response to the growing crisis of housing insecurity driven by the economic disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, GCLC is launching a series of initiatives to help address the needs of people in Cook County who face foreclosure or eviction. Central to this effort is the recognition of Justice Liu’s work for housing justice.
In October 2019, Chicago intellectual property law firm McAndrews Held & Malloy made a huge commitment to GCLC when more than 20 attorneys signed on to provide pro bono legal services through the Clinic’s Criminal Records Program.
In collaboration with the Chinese Mutual Aid Association, Greater Chicago Legal Clinic will provide legal aid services to low-income individuals and families facing eviction in Cook and Kane Counties, with a particular focus on members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.