Programs & Services
GCLC offers a variety of programs and services to meet the legal needs of underrepresented individuals and families in Greater Chicago. We provide quality legal representation to help with everything from divorce, domestic violence, and other family issues to economic and housing stability to environmental law.
While many services are available at no cost to clients, others involve fees on a sliding scale based on income. Learn more on our Explanation of Fees page.
Homelessness Advice and Representation Program
The Homelessness Advice and Representation Program (HARP) provides accessible and integrated legal aid services to people transitioning from housing crisis to housing security. HARP is a collaboration between Greater Chicago Legal Clinic and select Chicagoland housing services providers, delivering free, on-site, legal aid clinics.
Family Law
GCLC celebrates the critical role that families—of every shape and size—play in our communities. We also understand the legal challenges that can arise from family relationships. If you’re facing divorce, threats of domestic violence, child custody issues, or other family-related legal hurdles, GCLC is here to help.
Family Law Program
Our attorneys can help you through the legal processes around divorce judgments and parenting plans. We also have experience helping divorcing couples divide their property and decide on the best way to care for their children during and after separation.
Domestic Violence
If you or your family members feel unsafe, we can explain how the justice system can help. There are a variety of court orders—such as Orders of Protection, restraining orders, and supervised parenting time—that can help increase your safety. We work in partnership with other domestic violence advocates and services in Greater Chicago and can help you make the individual arrangements that will work best in your specific situation.
GCLC’s immigration team specializes in family-based immigration assistance, including filing petitions for relatives, adjustments, consular processing, waivers, renewals of permanent resident cards, removal of conditions on marriage-based permanent resident cards, fiancé(e) visas, naturalizations, deportation defense, claims under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and U visas. The Clinic has a collaborative immigration team that provides in-depth personal service, including conducting mock interviews and attending interviews with clients. We often work with clients whose cases have been mishandled by notarios (or immigration consultants), and we have been successful in getting these cases back on track.
Economic Stability
Many individuals and families in Greater Chicago lack the economic stability they need to face the challenges that life presents, from a disability that leaves you unable to work to a costly contract dispute to a criminal record that limits your ability to get a job. GLCC provides access to resources and services that can help you overcome these hurdles and create financial stability for you and your family.
Social Security Disability and SSI Reconsiderations and Appeals
If the Social Security Administration (SSA) has denied your initial disability claim or request for reconsideration, we can assist you with an appeal. Our attorneys have experience representing adults and children in hearings before Administrative Law Judges of the SSA’s Office of Hearings Operations.
Consumer Program
Our attorneys provide representation to low-income people facing contract complaints and tort cases as part of the Municipal Court Advice Desk. Prospective litigants must first discuss their case with an attorney from the Coordinated Advice & Referral Program for Legal Services (CARPLS) by calling 312.738.9200.
Criminal Records Program
Arrest and conviction records can be a major hurdle when seeking a new job or new housing. Clinic attorneys can assist in filing to expunge or seal such criminal records in Cook County including, thanks to GCLC’s participation in New Leaf Illinois, cannabis convictions. Our attorneys can also provide related assistance with Healthcare Worker Waivers and Certificates of Good Conduct, as well as temporarily unsealing your expunged or sealed records so that you can access them for immigration or other purposes.
Housing Stability
Access to safe housing is vitally important to healthy neighborhoods throughout Greater Chicago. If you’re facing foreclosure, eviction, or another legal need related to real estate and housing, GCLC’s attorneys can offer thoughtful guidance.
Homeowners Assistance Program
The Justice Laura Cha-Yu Liu Homeowners Advice Desk (formerly the Foreclosure Advice Desk) offers free legal services to homeowners in foreclosure, including information about the legal process and your rights and responsibilities during the foreclosure process. While GCLC’s attorneys can also assist in preparing necessary legal documents for the case, they do not provide any type of representation in court.
You may visit the helpdesk on the Concourse Level in room CL-29 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St. (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) or call GCLC’s intake number 312-726-2938 to schedule a virtual appointment.
Eviction Program
GCLC’s attorneys provide representation to low-income people currently facing evictions as part of the Municipal Court Advice Desk. Prospective litigants must first discuss their case with an attorney from the Coordinated Advice & Referral Program for Legal Services (CARPLS) by calling 312.738.9200.
Real Estate Program
GCLC’s Real Estate Program represents people in the sale or purchase of their homes. Our attorneys can also help with preparing quitclaim deeds to transfer property title, often between family members.
Environmental Law
Disadvantaged communities often bear a disproportionate burden when it comes to environmental hazards and threats. GCLC is committed to providing access to environmental justice so that Greater Chicago’s neighborhoods are safe for everyone.
Environmental Law Program
Through legal education and advocacy services in Greater Chicago, GCLC’s Environmental Law Program enables people who are confronting urban environmental problems to have equal access to justice. The Clinic represents clients in rulemaking, permitting, site remediation, and enforcement cases on the local, state, and federal levels.